2012 Endurance Fundraising Summit
Tuesday, March 6, 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm
The endurance fundraising fields gets more competitive daily with launches and expansions of programs large and small.
Join us to hear from leading players and talk shop with your peers. Speakers include:
The American Cancer Society's Alison Tibbits talks about the growth of its DetermiNation program has enjoyed since it started expanding nationally from its Chicago roots in 2007.
Kymberlee Setterberg, director of TEAM ASPCA, the animal welfare organization’s aggressive new endurance fundraising initiative.
Tom Whiteside, events fundraising ambassador with TEAM LIVESTRONG whose army of runners, cyclists and triathletes brings in more money each year.
Special Guest: Richard Hulnick, director of business development and cause marketing partnerships for New York Road Runners will brief us on NYRR’s charity programs for the ING New York City Marathon and other major events.
$395 if purchased solo by January 17, 2012
$495 if purchased solo by January 17, 2012