2010 Run Walk Ride Fundraising Conference Schedule
Conference Schedule
Wednesday, March 3
9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Pre-Conference Workshop
Social Media for Thon Fundraisers
Click here for details
2:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Pre-Conference Workshop
Endurance Program Summit
Click here for details
6:00 pm
Welcome Reception
Meet new friends and old in a festive kickoff to our fourth annual gathering.
6:30 pm
Cash, Sweat & Tears Award Dinner
A celebration of volunteers featuring a talk by Boston Marathon Race Director Dave McGillivray on the incredible things people who believe in themselves can accomplish.��
9:00 pm
Hospitality Reception
sponsored by Blackbaud
Thursday, March 4
Throughout the day, David Neff of Lights. Camera. Help.�shares great �thon� videos and the stories behind them.
8:00 am
Continental Breakfast
8:30 am
The Run Walk Ride Thirty Premiere
The economy had a major impact on� programs in 2009.�� Learn who was up, who was down and why from our fourth annual benchmarking study presented by Run Walk Ride Fundraising Council President David Hessekiel.
Run Walk Ride Thirty Research sponsored by Convio & Event 360
9:00 am
Success Strategies of The Run Walk Ride Thirty
What are top programs doing to cope with the tough economic climate?� Convio Principal Client Consultant Lara Fermanis and Event 360 President Jeff Shuck share best practices to improve performance.
9:45 am
Controlling Costs While Maintaining Quality
Boston Marathon Race Director Dave McGillivray shares tips on smart ways to save on event logistics and cost-cutting mistakes to avoid.
10:15 am
Discussion Roundtables
Dive into your choice of facilitated discussions on critical topics such as recruitment, online fundraising, direct mail, endurance programs, logistics and more.
11:00 am
11:15 am
Getting the Most Bang for your Social Media Buck
Social media can earn huge returns or waste time and resources.� Explore smart strategies with Charity Dynamics President Donna Wilkins and Blackbaud Technical Solutions Director Mark Davis. Hear how the Start! Heart Walk leveraged social media from the American Heart Association's Elizabeth Marceau.
12:00 noon
Pacesetter Awards Luncheon
See the finest work in our field as we honor the winners of our annual awards.�� Sit with colleagues or at themed discussion tables.
2:00 pm
Analyzing ROI (Return on Incentives)
What�s the right participant incentive program for your event?�� Hard goods?�� Logoed items?� Recognition?�� Turnkey Promotions CEO Katrina VanHuss and Summit Marketing National Accounts Manager John McConnell debate the merits of contrasting approaches.
2:45 pm
Corporate Perspectives
Learn what business partners value most from sponsorship and team programs from American Airlines Workforce Giving Director Sam Santiago, Austin Industries' Felicia Walker and GEICO's John Balfour.
3:30 pm
Discussion Roundtables
4:15 pm
Ancillary Revenue: Seven Ideas to Take Back to the Office
What can you do to raise more from each participant?�� RWRFC President David Hessekiel sends you home with programs that have generated cash for events across the country.
5:00 pm
Conference Adjourns
Note: Speakers subject to change.