2008 Conference Sponsors

The generous support of our sponsors� enables the Run Walk Ride Forum to provide you with excellent opportunities to learn, connect and grow.


CauseForce helps non-profit organizations raise a lot of money for their missions. It�s just that simple. Since its inception in 2002, CauseForce has produced blockbuster fundraising events across Canada that have shattered fundraising records, one after another. CauseForce is blazing the trail with the Underwear Affair and Ride to Conquer Cancer to fundraise in new and fun ways, reaching out to untapped audiences and attracting future generations of supporters.

What�s the secret? Our people. Raising over 160 million dollars to date for cancer organizations takes great people. From concept creation to recruitment, retention, and customer relationship management, CauseForce�s seasoned team of experts drives constituents to action, motivating them to become deeply involved in groundswell initiatives that deliver donors, activists, and awareness. To learn more and contact us, visit www.causeforce.com.


Convio is an Internet software and services company that provides online Constituent Relationship Management (eCRM) solutions for nonprofit organizations. As a trusted Internet partner for more than 1,200 organizations, we offer the software and services our clients need to connect with their constituents online.


CSRwire is the leading source of corporate social responsibility and sustainability press releases, reports and news. CSRwire members are companies and NGOs, agencies and organizations interested in communicating their corporate citizenship, sustainability, and socially responsible initiatives to a global audience through CSRwire's syndication network and weekly News Alerts.

CSRwire offers Run Walk Ride Fundraising Council members free membership to CSRwire for one year ($100 value). This entitles the new member to discounted press releases on www.CSRwire.com to communicate their event news to CSRwire�s targeted audience of journalists, analysts, activists, investors, and academics worldwide. Please contact [email protected] or call 802.251.0110 to talk to a customer relations representative.

Event 360

Event 360At Event 360, your mission is our passion. We'll help you translate that mission into action with experiential programs that raise funds, increase awareness and grow advocates. Engage both your constituents and the community at large with an inspired concept that meets your unique needs. We'll execute that concept to impeccable standards to provide the experience that achieves the results you need. Looking for more solutions? Event 360 can also provide event evaluation services, IT consulting, communication tools, loyalty programs, event production and support. Visit www.event360.com to learn more.

ING Insurance Americas

ING Insurance Americas is a vital part of worldwide ING Group, one of the largest diversified financial services organizations in the world with operations in more than 50 countries, 60 million private, corporate and institutional clients and over 113,000 employees worldwide. Currently ING Insurance Americas holds top-tier rankings in key U.S. markets and serves more than 14 million customers across the nation. We�re a leading provider of financial products and services for individuals and businesses, including life insurance, annuities, mutual funds, (direct banking), retirement plans and employee benefits.

Sponsorship and experiential marketing is all about understanding our customers. Understanding what their passions are and figuring out the best ways to associate the brand with their passions. In the US, our sponsorship platform focuses primarily on the sport of running. The ING Run For Something Better is the charitable component of ING's running sponsorship platform that helps funds youth running programs in schools. The program offers children a healthy start to life and fosters their desire to exercise before obesity ever begins. To learn more visit: www.orangelaces.com.

Official Airline of the Run Walk Ride Fundraising Conference

JetBlue is committed to supporting and aligning ourselves with not- for-profit organizations that focus on children, education, communities and the environment in the cities we serve. We engage our crewmembers to help make an impact and inspire greatness in others while enriching the lives of the individuals and communities we serve. Our national nonprofit partnerships include building play spaces with KaBOOM!, distributing books to children at risk with FirstBook and raising awareness and funds for a breast cancer cure with The American Cancer Society.


Kintera provides software as a service (SaaS) solutions to help organizations quickly and easily reach more people, raise more money and run more efficiently. Kintera offers complete Web-based software solutions that include: a Donor Management System; Web Site, E-mail, Events and Advocacy Management; Wealth Screening and Fund Accounting. Its best of breed technology offers the following key benefits to organizations worldwide: ease of use with remote accessibility, reliable cost with little upfront investment, up-to-date technology, security and reliability, and scalability. In addition to Kintera's online solutions, its open platform, Kintera Connect, provides nonprofits with the ability to integrate, customize and extend their Kintera solution to meet all of their unique business and technology needs.

LeadDog Marketing

LeadDog Marketing Group, Inc. is a full-service marketing and brand promotion agency. LeadDog was recently ranked number 27 on the 2007 Promo 100, a ranking of the top promotion agencies in the country published annually by Promo Magazine, as well as named one of eight agencies to watch on the It List, a listing of the top 100 event agencies as ranked by Event Marketer Magazine. LeadDog combines over 200 years of event marketing, brand promotion, marketing and activation expertise, bringing a broad range of experience and a proven track record in the creation, development and management of successful national and international brand initiatives. Its clients include American Cancer Society, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, AARP, and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, to name a few. For more information, please visit www.leaddogmarketing.com.


OP3 is a full service management consulting firm specializing in fundraising and cause-related marketing efforts for non-profit organizations and corporations with a philanthropic interest. Our name stands for the three uncompromising principles on which our business is built: OPPORTUNITY, OPTIMIZATION, OPERATIONS.

With our diverse and extensive experience, OP3 can provide the strength of an entire organization to help a client meet their objectives, or tailor the scope of our
services to support a very specific need. Learn more at www.op-3.com

Osiris Group

Osiris Group, Inc. is a marketing and communications firm that can help your cause, your organization or your company get noticed. Our experience in communications planning, branding, market research, online and printed marketing material development as well as nonprofit fundraising and organizational development make us uniquely qualified to help with your next cause marketing campaign.

To learn more about us, visit www.osiris-inc.com or contact us at [email protected]

The NonProfit Times

The NonProfit Times, published 24 times yearly, is The Leading Business Publication for Nonprofit Management, reaching 85,000 readers across the country. The NonProfit Times is nationally recognized for its original research on a wide variety of important nonprofit sector topics. It contains stories regarding all business functions of the nonprofit, including the latest news, direct response fundraising, financial management, technology, legal, human resource issues and focused in-depth Special Reports. For subscription and advertising information, visit www.nptimes.com

The Run Walk Ride Fundraising Council creates not-to-be-missed opportunities to impress the executives who manage America's leading athletic fundraising events. RWRF sponsors enjoy unique opportunities to develop lasting and profitable connections with leaders and newcomers in this expanding field.

To receive more information on sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities at our February 2008 annual conference, contact David Hessekiel at (914) 921-3914 or email.

Run Walk Ride Fundraising Conference RWRF Jobs